Feet are vital organs of the body part is quite hard work out of. The more weight a lot more often then walk feet more. Particularly pregnant mothers. Should be careful in selecting a special shoe. Because shoes are essential in helping secure the mother was pregnant at one
Did you know that
• foot consists of a small bone in 26 pieces per side, so both feet are bones all 52 pieces (1 / 4 of the bones, all in the body) with joints in the foot all the 38 items, the muscular 31 bundle and tendons. 107 line
• When we walk. Foot shock was about 120% of body weight. But if we are running foot shocks to 275% of body weight.
Foot care to look good.
• Wash your feet thoroughly with soap every day. • Wipe the feet dry. Particular niche toe. • Do not apply the cream at corner inches. Because it may cause, but apply a thin chamber. The foot and the instep. • toenail should be cut. Nail along the edge. Do not cut curves into the side. • If the cold weather should wear socks • Executive ankle And feet regularly. To make strong flexible feet. And blood flow better. • Choose shoes that are to use. And regular cleaning of the shoe.
How to manage foot
• ankle jumping up and down alternately slowly • Rotate the ankle on both sides, right and left slowly. • seated leg stretches he drew. Jerking movement of the ankle hold up a little and then do a new release. • finger pecking on the ground cloth. Management is a small muscle in the foot.
Choose shoes correctly.
• Select a desirable shape for comfortable image, as if your feet toe flat It should not be sharp shoes and check non-slip soles. No shoes inside seam strength. Or hard surface. Friction, wear, and when walking on foot.
• Always purchase shoes. Must be fit and try to always walk in on both sides. Because the size of people, we change each other. Especially during pregnancy you may have bigger feet.
• Shoes should fit comfortably put your feet is the width of the shoe must be equal to the width of the foot. Toe-heel shoes fit. Header shoes Should be the distance between the longest finger to the head about a half-inch shoe.
• Pregnant mothers. Regardless of sole To extend the island to the ground floor comfortable easy wear good shoes, not hard. Important to avoid high heels.
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