It is so good. Please explain how the identity.


shoeswo8 bootsd3
1. boots high .
A woman who likes to wear very short skirts. Full paint curling into the colorful streaks. Some people might call "girl cheerfully."
However, some people may view as "Who looks bad." 
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2. shoes sport .
Next to her old age. What looks like mega expensive food.
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3. brogue
Look like people like a short easy care.
Pink shirts, pleated skirts around knee length light.
And put heavy stockings. Characteristics are sensitive people.
Can not be a temptation to see the little girl at all.
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4. a slipper wear .
Whether to a party where It allows time for several hours.
Prepare a picnic basket ready Department profuse
Her own embroidery lace knitting along too. Because she loves art.
Whether it is embroidery or any other craft.
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5. shoe luxury.
High heels, such as the Doohrnoo Carlo Casino Blast Nick John, a shoe handmade quality.
Luxurious and expensive usually put together with exquisite tailoring clothes stick lace.
Bag and often expensive.
Shoulder bag shoulder like a regular
Of course, she is like the extravagant luxury.
Love like a social expression.
Outstanding reputation
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6.just boots ankle .
A person with an independent mind.
To select music or any religion.
Her favorite clothes are often a series of knitting yarn
Or fabric dying, and often never heard from her refusal.
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7. Woven shoes.
Just as the popular shoes today.
People are more chic called beautiful
But I know how I should tune.
Intelligently as a fighter who insist on what you think. 

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