DESIGN band link next to the ankle boots. Anti-wear high-heeled slip


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The best British urban designers. Conceptualizing the protection of women who wear high-heeled shoes, slender Not to slip now.
Mr. Paul Na Mila designers such as equipment, which he thought was named "Street Walker" will help prevent the high-heeled shoes is how It is a stretch strap and retractable. Based on round-heeled shoes are made out around the ankle boots with feet stuck firmly in his thinking say why did it was because of complaints from customers and friends, women are often
Daily newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that British inventors have told me. He thought a long time to prevent the shoes slippery, especially when urgent
He suggested that "would carry a bag placed in time. It has taken to put on shoes, easy to use, then the bus will run fluently at all. "

Thanks to information from the Thai Rath.

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